
Downwind and Out: The Strategic Dispersion of Power Plants and Their Pollution

__Revise and Resubmit__ We document the tendency of coal-fueled electricity plants to locate on jurisdictional borders. We then develop a simple test to detect if the plants are strategically sited. Lastly, we use an atmospheric dispersion model to provide new descriptive statistics on the pervasiveness of the pollution transport problem.

Carbon Taxes in Spatial Equilibrium

__Job Market Paper__ I estimate the spatial and sectoral distribution of incidence from carbon pricing by developing and estimating a quantitative spatial equilibrium model. I find workers without a college degree in manufacturing bear the greatest burden. I also use the model to demonstrate that progressive compensation leads to a decline in aggregate carbon emissions relative to flat transfers, due to a reallocation of workers into cities and sectors that are less carbon-intensive

In Search of Peace and Quiet: The Heterogeneous Impacts of Short-Term Rentals on Housing Prices

We document significant heterogeneity in the marginal effect of short-term rental (STR) listings on housing prices across LA county. In some areas, the effect of STRs on housing prices is _negative_. We develop a simple theory and provide descriptive evidence for our proposed mechanism.